Cooling out art.

Cooling down for over thirty years now we’re a calming down kind of company.

“Art raises its head where creeds relax.”

Fredrick Nietzsche

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Zo Relax Activities:

Free Counter

Our count your stress away activity. Simply start counting back until you become more relaxed.

Wind Whispering

Consciously taking time to stop and listen to the wind or simply taking a pause to feel breeze against your face activity.

Easy Rider

A wondering pause. Find tranquility in the act of riding or walking with no particular place to go activity.

Window Watcher

When things are too hectic inside try having a gander outside. Peacefully observing life passing by activity.

Investor Info

  Info as of : 18:25, Mar, 07
JaZoN Ex. Share Value :  € 14.66  -1.63  -10.53%

Full Investor Info
Rose Activity Sign, 2018
Zo Relax. Boutique, 2018
Zo Relax. Billboard NJ Turnpike, 2018
Zo Relax. Kiosk, Gare du Nord, Paris, 2018

Start Relaxing Now!

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