One size doesn’t fit all.

Started in the early 80’s Zo Putting on Shoes has been dressing up and down for every occasion for over 30 years fashion be damned.

“To wear dreams on one’s feet is to begin to give a reality to one’s dreams.”

Roger Vivier

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Our Shoe on Activities:


Walk, trot, scuffle, by using the Put On A Sneaker activity. For sports or street style.


Inspired by JaZoN’s grandpa Loafer will put on your Business, Soiree, or Special Occasion Shoes like wind blowing through a tunnel.


Time to put yourself to the physical test, Runner will make sure your foot slips into the right shoe for the job.


Kicking ass, Keeping warm, working, riding, and styling Boot will put your boots on so you can get into it!

Investor Info

  Info as of : 18:43, Mar, 07
JaZoN Ex. Share Value :  € 20.31   +0.97   +4.89%

Full Investor Info
ZBerluti, Paris, 2013
Zboots, Z44 Paris, 2008
Golden Horn
Paris, 2015
Vrai Faux, 2015, Paris

Lets Put Your Shoes On Now!

Ready to activate your next artistic experience? Give send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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