Was sure it would work… Art

A fully functional disappointment dedicated enterprise making sure you/JaZoN see all of hope crushed before your eyes, then burned to a crisp. Then thrown out with the trash. Then peed on by a dog.

“Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation.”

Eric Hoffer

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Zo Disappointed Activities

Person 2 Person

The being let down by friend, family, colleague activity sure to have you disappointed by someone.

Pufff Day

No sun, no fun, sitting in traffic, slip and fall in dog shit type of day activity making sure your day will be a total failure.


Be disappointed by JaZoN. He definitely won’t be up to it acftivity.

Project F

So close to success just before the project falls apart disappointment activity.

Investor Info

  Info as of : 18:33, Mar, 07
JaZoN Ex. Share Value :  € 3566.08   +324.19   +9.52%

Full Investor Info
Jefff Koons
Biggest art star...
Rejection Letter
Project F, Z314, NY, 2011
Burnt Pizza Delivery
Pufff Day, Z92084, Paris, 2013

Organize your disappointment experience!

Ready to actviate your next artistic experience? Give send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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