Started in late 2015 Trupadump is your one stop shit on #45 activity.
Started by Bill Maher #whinyLittleBitch is stop your whining like a little bitch twitter activity.
Our very special dedicated expression activity to expressing wow #45 is a super racist and regressive loser activity.
Concocted for our more violent clients AK47 is our patented civil protection activity design to lute against any eventual abuses of back wood racist incursions of power trying to violently confront you activity.
The French filled the streets with the blood of their aristocratic oppressors, guillotine is a get out and vote activity dedicated to filling the unemployment lines with #45 and his cronies while protecting the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
  Info as of : 18:29, Mar, 07 | ||
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