Art of Solitary.

The JaZoN Ex. leader in being surrounded by people with nobody to talk too. We’ve been feeling isolated since the 90’s and fully dedicated to bring out the solitude in life.

“Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.”

Woody Allen

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Loneliness Activities


Our remove yourself from social contact and happenings by isolating yourself activity.


The desolate, dreary; unhappy and miserable feeling activity. Designed specially for a hopelessly lonely life.


Indifferent or hostile, removed from yourself, this activity will have you withdrawn from your humanity in no time.


Break up ending up broken hearted and hurting by your lonesome activity.

Investor Info

  Info as of : 18:24, Mar, 07
JaZoN Ex. Share Value :  € 37.71  -4.19  -10.53%

Full Investor Info

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